
GET records

List, filter, and sort records.



  • sort string optional

    • Property on which to sort, and sort order.

    • Possible property values:

      • $['received_at']

      • $['created_at']

      • $['version.received_at']

      • $['version.created_at']

      • JSON path of a Tag link­ marked as sort_property to sort on.

    • Possible sort order values:

      • desc: Descending.

      • asc: Ascending.

    • Defaults to $['received_at']+desc.

  • min string optional

    • Minimum bound for the sort property, exclusive.
  • max string optional

    • Maximum bound for the sort property, exclusive.
  • page_start string optional

    • Starting point of the sort property for the current page, exclusive.
  • page_size int optional

    • Desired number of records.

    • Accepts values between 1 and 200, inclusive.

    • Default to 20.

  • distinct string optional

    • JSON path of a Tag link­ marked as sort_property to deduplicate on.
  • filter Filter optional

    • Conditions to filter the records with.

    • Multiple filter parameters are allowed. They’re combined as OR.

  • include_links string[] optional

    • Paths of links to include in the response (comma-separated).

    • Supports the following special values:

      • entity: Entity records for all entity links.

      • existential: All records for existential record links.

    • Defaults to entity,existential.

  • include_deleted boolean optional

    • Whether to include deleted records in the response.

    • Defaults to false.

  • proxy_to Entity optional

    • Other user’s entity to proxy the request to.

A filter is a comma-separated list of conditions.

Conditions apply to the following record properties:

  • id

  • source

  • Any link property (e.g. $['author']).

Conditions can have one of three different formats:

  • $['path']=: The record should have no value at that path.

  • $['path']=value: The record should have the specified value at that path.

  • value: The record should have at least one link with the specified value.

Condition values have a specific format depending on their value:

  • entity: Entity link.

  • entity+record_id: Record link.

  • entity+record_id+version_hash: Version link.

  • "value": Tag link.

Conditions at the top level are combined using the AND operator. Parentheses can be used to create more advanced conditions: each level of grouping flips the operator. For example:

  • c1,c2: c1 AND c2

  • c1,(c2,c3): c1 AND (c2 OR c3)

  • c1,(c2,(c3,c4)): c1 AND (c2 OR (c3 AND c4))


  • records Records[]

    • Resulting list of records.
  • linked_records Records[]

    • Linked records requested with include_links.
  • next_page string optional

    • Query string to fetch the next page of results.

    • Empty if this is the end of the requested range.

Without any filter, the records endpoints will return all the records the requester has access to. Here we specify the page_size to retrieve the first 30.

GET /api/alice/records?page_size=30 HTTP/2

Because this queries all records without filter, we get a next_page to let us easily paginate over the results.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "records": [...],
  "linked_records": [...],
  "next_page": "?page_size=30&page_start=%222023-12-15T11:20:01.2240000Z%22"

Querying all records is rarely useful, instead we may want add a filter to only get records of a specific type. Here we add a filter for Post records­ created by the user with entity

GET /api/alice/records?filter=$['type'],$['author'] HTTP/2

In this case, because only a small number of records match this filter, it is the only page and we don’t get a next_page property.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "records": [...],
  "linked_records": [...]
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