
SSE events

Listen for record updates.


This is a Server-Sent Events­ endpoint.


  • min string optional

    • Minimum bound for version.received_at, exclusive.

    • Can be at most 20s in the past.

    • Defaults to 20s in the past.

  • filter Filter optional

    • Conditions to filter the records with.

    • Multiple filter parameters are allowed. They’re combined as OR.

  • include_links string[] optional

    • Paths of links to include in the response (comma-separated).

    • Supports the following special values:

      • entity: Entity records for all entity links.

      • existential: All records for existential record links.

    • Defaults to entity,existential.

  • include_deleted boolean optional

    • Whether to include deleted records in the response.

    • Defaults to false.


  • Last-Event-Id string optional

    • ID of the last received event.

    • Used to receive all missed updates on reconnection.


  • Records that are within the requested time window will be immediately returned as the request is received. This makes it possible to guarantee that no updates are missed between an initial GET records­ request and the subsequent subscription to the events endpoint.

  • If too many (more than 100) record updates are available to send when the connection is first established, the request will fail with error code too_many_events. The parameters should be adjusted until that number is under the threshold.

A filter is a comma-separated list of conditions.

Conditions apply to the following record properties:

  • id

  • source

  • Any link property (e.g. $['author']).

Conditions can have one of three different formats:

  • $['path']=: The record should have no value at that path.

  • $['path']=value: The record should have the specified value at that path.

  • value: The record should have at least one link with the specified value.

Condition values have a specific format depending on their value:

  • entity: Entity link.

  • entity+record_id: Record link.

  • entity+record_id+version_hash: Version link.

  • "value": Tag link.

Conditions at the top level are combined using the AND operator. Parentheses can be used to create more advanced conditions: each level of grouping flips the operator. For example:

  • c1,c2: c1 AND c2

  • c1,(c2,c3): c1 AND (c2 OR c3)

  • c1,(c2,(c3,c4)): c1 AND (c2 OR (c3 AND c4))


  • Content-Type: text/event-stream

    • Standard type for a SSE­ endpoint.


  • id string

    • Identifier of the event.

    • Opaque, should be provided as Last-Event-Id header on reconnect.

  • event enum

    • Type of the event.

    • Only events of type record are of interest. Other event types may be sent to help keep the connection open, they can be ignored.

  • data Record

    • New or updated record.

Subscribing to real-time record updates is similar to a GET records­ request.

GET /api/alice/events?min="2024-02-19T15:20:51.3590000Z" HTTP/2

The response is an event-stream. It can be consumed in the browser with the help of an EventSource­.

The server might send some events right away if records were updated since the provided min cutoff.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: text/event-stream

id: 050ef3db581e43e9b5261f086cc35546
event: record
data: {author: {...}, ...}

event: record
data: {author: {...}, ...}

The connection won’t be closed however and further events will be received as new records are created and updated.

id: ace998430d9142e8be861a396fc8e5ae
event: record
data: {author: {...}, ...}

When the connection is interrupted for any reason, the Last-Event-Id header can be used on reconnection to let the server know what events we may have missed.

GET /api/alice/events HTTP/2
Last-Event-Id: ace998430d9142e8be861a396fc8e5ae
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