
Record types

One of the strengths of the BAQ ecosystem is the ability to re-use existing record types. In doing so, apps gain compatibility with data that users might have previously created in other apps, as well as the ability to interact with these other apps.

A Record Type Registry will be introduced in the future to make it easy to find new types and publish your own. In the meantime, this page will be regularly updated with popular record types.

Track something that needs to be done. Used in the BAQ Todo­ app tutorial.

baq add


  • title string

    • Thing to be done.
  • completed boolean

    • Whether the task was completed.

Describe a hierarchy of folders and files that matches what people expect from desktop operating systems and similar cloud storage services.

baq add


  • parent RecordLink optional

    • Folder above this one in the hierarchy.

    • undefined when at the root level.

  • name string

    • Unique identity of this folder within the parent folder.

Folders are unique by parent+name and share that unicity with files.

baq add


  • parent RecordLink optional

    • Folder above this file in the hierarchy.

    • undefined when at the root level.

  • size int

    • Size of the attached blob in bytes.
  • blob BlobLink

    • Name and content of the file.

Files are unique by and share that unicity with folders.

Implement instant messaging with one-to-one text or picture messages grouped under conversations.

baq add


  • Conversations do not have any content.

  • Participants are defined by the read permissions.

  • They must have two participants.

  • They are unique by participants.

  • They cannot be modified after creation.

baq add


  • conversation RecordLink

    • Conversation this message belongs to.
  • replying_to RecordLink optional

    • Other message this is a response to.
  • text string optional

    • Text content of the message.

    • Maximum length of 4096 unicode code points.

  • images array optional

    • Images attached to this message.

    • Item properties:

      • small BlobLink : Small thumbnail.
      • medium BlobLink : Medium thumbnail.
      • large BlobLink : Large compressed image.
      • original BlobLink : Original image.
      • width int : Original image width in pixels.
      • height int : Original image height in pixels.
      • size int : Original image size in bytes.

Messages require at least one of text or images to be specified.

Publish microblog posts for followers to read. Supports different media types and the ability to mention other users.

baq add


  • reply_to_post RecordLink optional

    • Other post this is a response to.
  • quote_post RecordLink optional

    • Other post this post is quoting.
  • text string optional

    • Content of the post.

    • Maximum length of 512 unicode code points.

  • text_mentions array optional

    • Metadata for the mentions in the text property.

    • Item properties:

      • mention EntityLink : Entity to mention.
      • index int : Start index of the mention in text.
      • length int : Length of the mention in text.
  • images array optional

    • Images attached to this post.

    • Item properties:

      • small BlobLink : Small thumbnail.
      • medium BlobLink : Medium thumbnail.
      • large BlobLink : Large compressed image.
      • width int : Large image width in pixels.
      • height int : Large image height in pixels.
      • size int : Large image size in bytes.
      • mentions array : Mentions in this image.
    • Mention properties:

      • mention EntityLink : Entity to mention.
      • x int : X coordinate in the Large image.
      • y int : Y coordinate in the Large image.


  • Posts require at least one of text or images to be specified.

  • reply_to_post and quote_post are mutually exclusive.

  • The index and length of text mentions are in Unicode code points.

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