
GET record_blob

Get a single blob from a record.


A blob can only be downloaded through a record that has a Blob link­ to it.

Build the request URL by replacing the following variables in the record_blob endpoint URL template:

  • {entity} and {record_id}: Record that links to the blob.

  • {blob_hash}: Hash of the blob to download.

  • {file_name}: File name of the blob within the record. This is useful when the same blob might appear multiple times in the same record under different names and content types.


  • Range string optional

    • Part of the blob that should be returned.

    • Only supports single byte ranges.

The blob to download is the sole content of the response.


  • Content-Length int

    • Size of the blob in bytes.
  • Content-Type string

    • Content type of the blob link for the requested file name.
  • Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={file_name}

    • Requested file name.
  • Cache-Control string

    • Depends on the record permissions:

      • Public record: 1 year private, 2h shared.
      • Private record with standard authentication: 1 year private.
      • Private record with bearer token: bearer validity (max 2h), shared.
  • Content-Range string optional

    • Part of the blob being returned.

    • Only for requests with a Range header.

We get a single hello.txt blob that was linked in one of our user’s records.

GET /api/alice/records/ HTTP/2

The response includes a Content-Disposition header so that browsers know how to name the file after downloading it.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Length: 6
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=hello.txt
Cache-Control: max-age=6309262, s-maxage=7200, immutable

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