React SDK


This is a React hook to query the latest version of a record from the store, if any.

const record = useFindRecordByQuery(query);

Call useFindRecordByQuery at the top level of your component to find a record.

function Like() {
  const likeRecord = useFindRecordByQuery({
    filter: ...

  return likeRecord ? <StarFilled /> : <StarEmpty />;


  • query Query

    • Query to run against the store.


This hook returns a Record­, or undefined if the record could not be found.


  • The hook only returns a record if the query matches one and only one record.

  • Always returns the latest version of the record that matches this query available in the store. The hook automatically updates when a new version becomes available.

There are situations when apps or users might want to augment existing records with additional data. This is known as Sidecar Records­.

In this example we want to display a different icon depending on whether our user “liked” a Post record or not. We assume the Like record was fetched alongside the Post using the Sidecar feature and we now need to find it from the store.

import {Q} from "@baqhub/sdk";
import {
} from "./baq/store.js";

function LikeIcon({postLink}) {
  const {entity} = useRecordHelpers();
  const likeRecord = useFindRecordByQuery({
    filter: Q.and(,
      Q.type(LikeRecord),"", postLink)

  return likeRecord ? <StarFilled /> : <StarEmpty />;
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