React SDK


This is a React hook to get the latest version of a record from the store, if any.

const record = useFindRecordByKey(key);

Call useFindRecordByKey at the top level of your component to try to get a record back.

function SelectedTodo({todoKey}) {
  const todoRecord = useFindRecordByKey(todoKey);
  if (!todoRecord) {
    return <Empty />;

  return <div>{todoRecord.content.title}</div>;


  • key RecordKey

    • Key (entity + id) of the record to get.


This hook returns a Record­, or undefined if the record could not be found.


  • Always returns the latest version of the record with this key available in the store. The hook automatically updates when a new version becomes available.

It might be convenient to only store the key of a given record instead of the record itself in order to always display up-to-date data. However, this can result in having a key to a record that was since removed from the store.

Here, we use useFindRecordByKey to avoid passing an expired key to child components.

import {useState} from "react";
import {useFindRecordByKey} from "./baq/store.js";

function Todos() {
  const [selectedKey, setSelectedKey] = useState();
  const selectedRecord = useFindRecordByKey(selectedKey);
  const validSelectedKey = selectedRecord
    ? selectedKey
    : undefined;

  return (
      {validSelectedKey && (
        <TodoDetails todoKey={validSelectedKey} />

This hook comes in handy when we expect a record to be removed from the store and want to display a fallback UI when that happens.

function TodoDetails({todoKey}) {
  const todoRecord = useFindRecordByKey(todoKey);
  if (!todoRecord) {
    return <NoTodoSelected />;

  return (
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