
Version Link

Reference a specific record version within the BAQ network.

  "entity": "",
  "id": "652093513e40443ca9377e660269c3b5",
  "hash": "62f5b76b33a448c7b58752ff00c8af2fc15e53f57627434688d22c53787b97c2"

This object can appear both within the record envelope (e.g. type) and record content, depending on the record type.


  • entity Entity

    • Current entity representing the target record’s initial author.
  • original_entity Entity optional

    • Entity that represented the target record’s initial author at the time the referencing record version was created, if different.
  • id RecordId

    • Unique identifier of the record within the scope of its initial author.
  • hash VersionHash

A link can be to a record version on any compatible server, identified by the author’s entity.

  "entity": "",
  "id": "2758ee128ec245ffb783216fcf3ada14",
  "hash": "31ef2a3970cc4dad83875e557a2c509afcc49bf0e84d48bd90f2a8ecedbe0b38"

When a user changes entity, the entity that was active at the time of the referencing record version creation is returned as the original_entity. This allows clients and server to validate a record’s version_hash.

  "entity": "",
  "original_entity": "",
  "id": "652093513e40443ca9377e660269c3b5",
  "hash": "62f5b76b33a448c7b58752ff00c8af2fc15e53f57627434688d22c53787b97c2"
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